From Richmond to Washington: John McGuire Triumphs over the Butterfly Brigade!
First published on the Bull Elephant. Opinion
By permission from Bradley Driskill Jr
State Senator John McGuire has had a heck of a run and obstacles before him in his bid for the 5th Congressional District seat, no doubt about it.
Not only defeating the incumbent Congressman Bob Good in the most heated primary election in the nation by a few hundred votes but persevering through the undermining, refusal and lack of support from Congressman Good, his supporters and even some in the local GOP units.
Adding to that, the partisan opposition from Democratic nominee Gloria Witt and her Butterfly Brigade who probably had thought that her “Butterfly Effect” would come about from the hands of many disgruntled supporters of the Congressman in a crossover vote for her in spiteful protest however, it was all too little, too short showing once again despite the division within that the 5th Congressional District is a safe red seat.
The overall results from that race here include even the “write in’” votes which most if not all are likely for Congressman Good
Gloria Tinsley Witt : 177,014 – 42.18%
John J. McGuire III : 240,743 – 57.37%
Write-In : 1,887 – 0.45%
While I’ll have to admit that I thought the opposition from supporters of Congressman Good would have made this a very close race with the “write in” and Witt crossover protest! However the numbers indeed speak for itself and show that Congressman-elect McGuire got more votes than Congressman Good did in 2020 and 2022!
Even with redistricting and one of those election cycles being a midterm election, it shows a lot of variables in the case for Congressman-elect McGuire’s victory.
1. That his appeal to moderate Democrats and Independents along with the grassroots movement was a likely factor of his big win.
2. His solid conservative record in both the House of Delegates and State Senate, displaying bipartisanship without compromise while delivering results in the process.
3. With many people registering to vote for the first time, fed up with the last four years of President Biden’s failed build back better policies, choosing to vote for President Donald Trump and voting to send Congressman-elect McGuire to Washington to help the President deliver on the promises of his America First Agenda.
As I’ve stated before and to quote former State Senator Amanda Chase! “Voting records matter”! And I truly believe that is what the people saw in Congressman-elect McGuire prior to the primaries and even throughout this election cycle! His voting record, his interactions with everyday Americans and the fact that he consults with those he works for on what and what not to vote for in the legislature.
All while upholding the Constitution and honoring the Lord God our Creator who is the author of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!
Of course Washington is a whole different and much bigger ball game compared to the Virginia General Assembly, however being the Navy Seal who served to protect America and her citizens from our enemies and the results he gave his constituents in the Commonwealth.
I know that Congressman-elect McGuire is up for the challenge and will once more walk the walk in giving his constituents in the 5th Congressional District top notch service and will listen and work with all, even if they didn’t vote for him!
Trust me when I say that he(McGuire) is an all American workhorse, I have seen it for myself firsthand and with that being said and looking back, I do not regret thedecision to vote, endorse and support him during the primaries for I know that I and thousands of others made the right decision to send John McGuire to Washington to assist President Trump with his America First Agenda and to deliver results for his constituents and the nation as a whole!
After all being a public servant is indeed one of his strongest traits in the content of his character!
For those who doubt any of this and everything I’ve written and said before on behalf of John McGuire, all I can say is…watch him go!