Rick Buchanan's Stalinist Ploy For Bob Good,
or how to play Simon Says and dissolve political opponent's committees. OPINION
By now, most of us know that something fishy happened in Appomattox County a week or so ago when the 5th District Committee met to dissolve an entire Republican County Unit on a trumped-up charge of being “inactive.”
As I have suspected, this unseemly drama unfolded at the command of Komrade Good and his apparatchiks. The motive is simple: surrender your First Amendment right to decide who you will support for office, or we throw you in the gulag of Party Plan abuse according to our whim.
Connection to Bob Good
This whole case is built on the testimony of a lie. That is not surprising, given that 99% of Bob Good's claims about John McGuire are without substance or evidence as a distraction against his failure to legislate in Congress. Make no mistake- this is about John McGuire or, rather, support of McGuire.
Bearing False Witness
The complaint comes from a woman named Sara Williams, a pal of Bob Good who posts many photos of them together on her social media account. She also sought venues for meet-and-greets for Bob God and Matt Gaetz's Fighting Freedom Tour.
Williams claimed she was disenfranchised, but this claim has been proven false- by her! Her claim is that she never had an opportunity to run for chair of the Buckingham Unit because she never received notice of a mass meeting. Williams and Rick Buchanan’s problem is that she absolutely knew, and he knew she knew, that she didn’t file in the required time allotted by the Party Plan. To this day, she has not fulfilled the requirements to do so in writing with the required 25 verified signatures of Buckingham Republicans. Why? I’ll tell you why. The Buckingham Republican Committee fulfilled every obligation to inform Republicans of the mass meeting, but these people just wanted another shot to take down a Trump and McGuire supporter, so they invented a problem and a wicked solution and allowed no exculpatory evidence to be presented at the trial.
That evidence includes William’s response to a timely email notice, and she is on video admitting she knew about the meeting and was not disenfranchised. She lied because Bob could not scare Ramona Christian off of John McGuire’s campaign. We have that conversation on video as well. The election was over three weeks before Williams ‘complained’ she had been disenfranchised. This was what Buchanan needed to roll out his witch trial and form his kangaroo court to enforce his directive to redo the call for a mass meeting and attempt to stack it to get his hand-picked Chair and be rid of Christian, who is the only McGuire and Trump-supporting Chair in the District. (The rank and file overwhelmingly support McGuire and Trump; otherwise, what difference would 1 Chairwoman make?)
As I mentioned above, when the Appomattox meeting finally began, Buchanan refused to allow the presentation of documentation from RPV’s lead counsel, Chris Marston, to be heard. Marston’s legal opinion was that Buchannon has no authority to dissolve a unit or reissue a mass meeting, especially when the reason is just petty political payback for Buckingham favoring McGuire in the upcoming primary.
Marston (according to Christian) suggested Christian and the Buckingham Committee could either obey Rick Buchanan, though he has no authority to vacate a Republican Committee, or follow on his advice that only a person having actual standing can call for another election. Such a person would have to be a verified Buckingham voter, as is Williams, but would also have to file a written appeal accompanied by 25 verified signatures of Republicans from Buckingham County. To this day, this legal threshold under the RPV Party Plan for a valid recall of a mass meeting has never been received or filed.
Buchanan’s whole case is a setup, lawfare, a sham. It is an embarrassment to all Republicans, and it sets a very dangerous precedent that a personality cult can overwhelm the principles of the Republican Party.
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