Berzerking: Good On Katz Show, Brother at Lynchburg Church!
Winning campaigns and candidates never act like this. OPINION
It’s over. How can I tell? I don’t have to read polls or need Social Media or MSM or bloviating bloggers on Substack. Just like you, all I have to do is watch Good act like a losing challenger and McGuire act like a winning incumbent. No winning incumbent with a solid record of legislative success shrilly attacks two conservative radio show hosts in a row.
The latest example of Good’s failure in DC is plainly revealed by losing it with WRVA radio host Jeff Katz, who asked, “Bob…is Trump a RiNO?” Good is a documented Never-Trumper who exploited Trump to win and stabbed him in the back when he thought he could get away with it, the day Alvin Bragg indicted DJT for the trial, he is currently facing in NYC—end of the story.
It was a fair question. Guy Good and his ardent supporters all claimed Trump until John McGuire's endorsement. Now, they question the President’s judgment and refuse his request to stop the unauthorized use of the Good/Trump signs. If they respected the President, they would comply but know they cannot win without Trump’s name.
Bob is a narcissist. Here is a short list of his behaviors:
Good won on Trump's endorsement in 2020, gambled on DeSantis’ coattails this time, and chose Trump’s indictment to power-proclaim to MAGA ‘get off the Trump Train.’
Good threw himself at Trump at the Richmond Rally for an endorsement and a fresh photo-op. Trump had the Secret Service escort him out of VIP and into general seating. He showed no shame whatsoever about his treachery!
Good tells Ramona Christian she isn’t a Christian unless she gets behind him! A messianic complex? He then orchestrates her persecution for doing what he did- choosing a candidate in a Republican Primary. Bob cannot fathom the hypocrisy.
Bob tries to vacate the entire Buckingham Republican Committee for endorsing the candidate of their choice. It’s okay for Bob to win through Trump, change his mind, and endorse DeSantis on the day of DJT’s indictment. Bob can change his mind, but no one else can! He cannot see the problem. Other Lawfare actions here and here.
Good goes to Manhatten and again attempts to grab a photo-op at the very trial Trump was indicted for on the day Good exercised his change of mind and broke his loyalty pledge to Trump. He cannot see how his blind self-absorption comes off to others.
Good cannot for the life of him understand why the President, whom he stabbed in the back, endorsed McGuire! He plays the victim and blames McGuire—which he has constantly done for years— as a form of bullying and micro aggressions - just not so micro.
CNN Interview with Bob lying through his teeth and playing the victim.
Good goes on the Fredericks Show and browbeats JF just as he has to McGuire, Ramona Christian, The Buckingham Republican Committee, then Jeff Katz, Donald Trump, and anyone else who does not kiss his ring. Everybody is a liar and a RiNO unless you are Bob’s vassal. He is the only “true conservative!”
In the recording at 2:25 (Hyperlink), he calls Fredericks a liar: “You need to tell the truth.” It goes downhill from there as Bob launches into a litany of grandstanding but omits his failure at legislating while demonstrating why no one wants to work with him. The attacks are at 3:45 and 4:07. At 7:30, Fredericks calmly explained Trump deserves to pick his team, but didn’t pick Good- “it’s nothing personal.” At 8:32, he calls anyone supporting McGuire dishonest and continues this pattern; at 9:31, he threatens- don’t get on the wrong side [of me]. The CEASE AND DESIST issue is at 12:44- Good dodges it and blames McGuire!
No one can earnestly hold an opinion contrary to Bob Good, or they are a RiNO! Really? He misrepresents McGuire’s tour and cannot bring himself to say Margerie Taylor Green’s name! I was in Louisa for McGuire’s first tour stop with MTG, and counted 48-50. Bob lives in his fantasy world.
Bob continues denying Trump’s rejection and places himself as the sole man, not Trump, who can deliver Virginia!
Good begins his Katz interview by claiming that 4 and 5 hundred showed up for Rand Paul and Bannon, but the photos of these events do not support the claim. The Freedom Fighter tour, shown above, was not an isolated stop. He declares enthusiasm, but his online warriors are all gnashing teeth. None are as jovial or cheerful as you would expect if Good’s campaign characterization were based on reality.
UPDATE: listen to John McGuire on the Jeff Katz show today in answer to Bob goods ranting. Compare their temperaments and their tone. They could not be farther apart.
Steve Good Acts like a Lunatic At Fallwell Church.
Completely unhinged.
Steve Good follows McGuire and his wife around at the Thomas Road Baptist Church and loudly badgers the McGuires, repeating over and over what a liar McGuire is. As with all the other loons in Team Good, he never says what the lie is but continues until Tracy McGuire cries, and even then, his constant refrain of “I don’t care” in spite of rational appeals to calm down. A retired Marine Vet escorts Tracey to their car while John reenters the church, with Steve in tow, still ranting and raving, saying, “I don’t care” to all who attempt to point out he is in a Christian Sanctuary. He Continues this behavior until the Pastor has security remove him from the building.
Apparently, being a nut runs in the family.
Who does this when they are winning? No one.
Who acts like this in any situation? Nut jobs or desperate people.
Who voluntarily works with someone who behaves this way in DC or on any job? Nobody!
This is why Donald Trump said, “Good is bad for Virginia.” He is a lame duck no one will work with outside of the few grandstanders he has for pals like Gaetz. It’s all fine and dandy to grandstand once in a while, but when it undermines the reason you are in DC- to advance the interests of the 5th District or any other District, it becomes a liability. Bob Good is a liability to himself and to the 5th District. This is why Donald Trump said, “Good stabbed me in the back, and he will stab you in the back." He does not possess the character and temperament to be in Congress even if the Left were unsuccessful, but they are not, and Bob Good cannot get a single bill out of the Committee, much less passed into law. Imagine trying to win a battle from a defensive position only. The best it can produce is a stalemate. But we aren’t even seeing that- the Left gets more powerful each day, and Bob Good is all bluster and no success.
Why do I support McGuire when I voted for him to serve in the Senate? Because he has the cojones to see what needs to be done, sets his goal, pursues it, and wins. He has the skill set and temperament which he demonstrated in Lynchburg Sunday. He has successfully gotten bills into law. That is the attitude we need in DC- a fearless man with skill and tact. He has beaten the odds constantly instead of just being odd and at odds with everyone, as is Bob Good.
The takeaway:
Bob says he has the momentum, but his actions and those of his close allies and family say the opposite. No winning campaign acts as so shrill and desperate. Everything is about Bob, but the noticeable thing missing in his constant self-justification is any list of accomplishments for his constituents during his two terms. Why? Because he has not advanced the 5th District by one inch. Ask yourself- are you better off today? How? Because Bob votes a certain way when he has time off from manipulating the local County Republican Units? Was his vote on the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act a conservative vote? Did his voting to turn over free speech to the Swamp for interpretation and enforcement serve you?
It’s time to put in the first string and send Good to the bench.
Five & Dime VA/HCC is an opinion blog. I employ satire, commentary, and fact to entertain and convey my opinions on religious, cultural, and political issues. I expect you to know the difference.
Trump Camp manager Chris LaCivita answers the pathetic pitch to Trump to change his endorsement from McGuire to Backstabber and corrects their spelling of Nottaway to Nottoway! lol!
Coming up: Is Bob working on a Plan B?
Rumors suggest that in spite of his claims of momentum, he is bracing for a loss and planning to run for Lt. Gub’ner! More on that soon.