Good Treasurer Begs FEC To Use Campaign Cash For Recount
From dead treasurer allegations to dead campaign reality? OPINION
HFC Chair Bob Good’s campaign treasurer petitioned the FEC for expedited guidance in shifting his general campaign funds for his recount against John McGuire’s win.
Most people would say this action means Bob Good is short on cash for a recount. He told me yesterday he was still moving forward with one.
Good claims he has the cash to recount and will file by Friday. Many people wonder why then he has not already filed. This request strikes me as an admission he doesn't have the cash and no one is willing to risk throwing good money after Bob Good. All sorts of political types have run the numbers and the odds and all see that Bob won’t squeeze blood out of a rock and find the required ballots.
Even local pols like Amanda Chase are banking on McGuire’s victory as she has announced her intent to move into the 5th District to run for the vacant seat should Bob’s effort fail.
Remember Good’s smear attempt at rules problems? He claimed McGuire’s campaign had violated Election rules because McGuire’s treasurer passed away and as such the campaign had no registered treasurer. This nonsense was filed in the wrong court where it would go nowhere except the media. It failed- The Five and Dime busted it wide open and it died a quick death. Now Bod has a dead campaign and his treasurer is looking for a very real infusion of cash. Good has sent emails saying his campaign is in debt! So what monies does he have to borrow against? They got until Friday or the casket closes. Scratching for scratch or scratching at the coffin lid? Time is running out.
UPDATE: Petition filed in court- but the money question still looms:
Five & Dime VA/HCC is an opinion blog. I employ satire, commentary, and fact to entertain and convey my opinions on religious, cultural, and political issues.
Is Good’s camp preparing to write bad checks? They are sending emails claiming to be in debt and please help them retire it!